Forseng Fiction
This is my new website. I think it will be simpler and cleaner than my previous site.
It is a bit barebones at the moment, but I will gradually migrate all of the old content to here, in many cases updating or rewriting previous blog posts.
In other words, this will be a bit of a work in progress.
What’s this site about?
Well, I do write fiction, primarily featuring flawed protagonists in a flintlock fantasy setting — without magic.
This blog portion of this site is about creating stories involving flawed, kick-ass heroines or anti-heroines. No super-heroines here. It’s the villainess forced to make good, the flawed heroine who must beat the odds, and the reluctant anti-heroine grimly struggling to save the day. Not because she wants to, but because she has to.
So blog posts will focus on that, along with content on marketing indie fantasy novels.
I’ll post general thoughts on writing, book reviews, book marketing, writing techniques, links to useful resources, and snippets of my own works in progress.
Also, I will make available the first three chapters of my novel Wester Watch, draft 3.2. So look around and enjoy!